Camp information
10 April 2024
Dear children of Tanak,
We've been asked this question quite a bit, so here's some information that might interest you. The TO camps will actually be organized according to the region determined for the group or character you will play.
All groups in the same region will therefore have to arrange for installation in the areas, taking into account safety markings (firefighter access) and a central space which will accommodate the altar of life. The markers in the camps will therefore be:
a main entrance
a firefighter access path to the center of the camp
a central place
To make it easier to organize the different camps for Ragnarok Cycle 3, we have created corresponding Facebook groups for you.
We invite all group leaders at least to join the one that suits you. You will thus be able to get to know each other and arrange TO. We can also send you some information if necessary.
Be careful, these are not groups for doing IT via comments ;)
You don't yet know which camp you want to go to? It depends on the background of your character or group. To find out more, we refer you to the document “Venu des 4 corners de Tanak” and to the Universe page of our website!
For the Gray Protectorate:
For the Disputed Principalities:
For Wildlands:
For City-States: